The triumph over sin and death by our Lord and Master, Jesus , has placed in our hands , The Effects of Finished Warfare and Battles; victory over all the rudiments of this world and the rubrics of our day to day affairs . This is true victory ✌🏻!
Something that an ALL KNOWING God envisaged years long before you came on the scene: fought all the systems and structures of this world 🌎 and conquered them.
Academics, Sciences and Technological / Technical, Politics, Trade and Commerce, Health , Finance, Law, Customs, Aviation, Security, Religion and Arts, Sports all other variables within the global social structure have their own associated challenges and threats. These impediments to a successful and peaceful living did Jesus fight and overcame powerfully.
One thing worthy of note : the nature of Satan. Who is this guy?
The Bible reveals him as the Father of all lies and deceptions. He is a deceiver. In fact a master of that craft whose craftiness is unparalleled to none. This guy makes it difficult for even the matured believers to believe the reality of the finished works of Christ: if He really healed me already, why do I still feel the pain?
If I’m truly rich in Christ, why haven’t I paid my bills yet?
Do you know why these challenges seem to be present in our every day walk? ” your adversary the devil 👿, as a _roaring lion_ , walketh about ; seeking whom he may devour".
This stubborn guy called the devil never gives up. He roars to get attention. Demons are attention seekers . They thrive on attention so much. The reason for the pressure they mount in the form of pain, affliction, penury and lack, fear inducing moments among other things . Once you focus on these demonic tokens, you endorse their illegal activities in your life.
The Bible says for us to resist him steadfastly. Don’t tolerate their lies. What you see and feel are all fact. They are far from the truth: truth is what the word of God says about you and not how you feel.
Your victory was won long ago: enforce it!
Our victory in Christ Jesus is indispensably uncompromising; every Christian must endeavour to the best of his or her interest , know the provisions made available to us in Christ Jesus. Such provisions are not mere promises made us, but the REALITIES of God’s consummated works in Christ Jesus.
Study your Bible and ask the Holy Ghost to teach you the truths of life.
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