Episode 2 | Pastor Manuel Writes
Our first episode is indicative of the fact that man was created with much glory and honour (dignity), and wielded with so much dominion over all things...as a free moral agent until the fall of man( the sin of Adam and its attendant effect on creation) .
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23)
"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23)
Did man really die? Emphatically, yes! Because
life as defined by God, is a continuous(unabated) flow of perfection and goodness, characterized by self generating and sustaining abilities.
Life is expected to be a ceaseless flow of perfection and goodness( expectations, desires and their manifestation).
Anything short of perfection(as expected) and goodness (tangible manifestation of expectations), according to the word of God is in the region of death. Life is meant to be self fulfilling and refresh- ing....not to be under the influence of strange desires and unchecked appetites that keep men bound. Unfortunately, such has become the bane of men; the unexpected and misfortune happening all the time not willingly but, because of what happened in the garden of Eden.
"they all walk on in darkness: the foundations of the earth are out of course" (Psalms 82:5)
This scripture suggests that the very foundation of life is out of balance with God's purpose. And as such, nature has taken a different turn altogether, not leaving man. Man has since been on a search for that life that satisfies and play out as expected. Hence, the pleasure-seeking life assumed by all men.
Our first episode is indicative of the fact that man was created with much glory and honour (dignity), and wielded with so much dominion over all things...as a free moral agent until the fall of man( the sin of Adam and its attendant effect on creation) .
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23)
"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23)
Did man really die?Emphatically, yes! Because life as defined by God, is a continuous(unabated) flow of perfection and goodness, characterized by self generating and sustaining abilities. Life is expected to be a ceaseless flow of perfection and goodness( expectations, desires and their manifestation) Anything short of perfection(as expected)and goodness (tangible manifestation of expectations), according to the word of God is in the region of death. Life is meant to be self fulfilling and refresh- ing....not to be under the influence of strange desires and unchecked appetites that keep men bound. Unfortunately, such has become the bane of men; the unexpected and misfortune happening all the time not willingly but, because of what happened in the garden of Eden.
"they all walk on in darkness: the foundations of the earth are out of course" (Psalms 82:5).
This scripture suggests that the very foundation of life is out of balance with God's purpose. And as such, nature has taken a different turn altogether, not leaving man. Man has since been on a search for that life that satisfies and play out as expected. Hence, the pleasure-seeking life assumed by all men.
God bless you.
To receive Jesus as your lord and Personal Saviour please say these word:
Dear Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I believe you sent your Son to die and resurrected for my sake, therefore I declare Iam born gain! Thank you for the gift of the HolySpirit to help me love you more and more. I declare, I am free from the power of sin.. I am a new creature.......Hallelujah