WHAT AND WHO is the foundation of your life?
Episode 1
"They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: All the foundations of the earth are out of course". (KJV)
From the scripture above, it's clear that all the foundations of the social structure: Education, Health, Economic (finance & business), family life, Religion, Customs and Culture, Arts and Music, etc.....are out of their original purpose.
Example: The purpose of education is for impartation of knowledge, skill, value....Everything has a purpose....but have you asked yourself as to why people learn and never understand or better still easily forget? The purpose of even education is under attack.
To think of this as normal takes us again to our theme scripture:
"They know not neither will they understand; ..." Since the fall of Adam, all things have come short of the glory of God; short of perfection, short of their original purpose.Jesus said, "...but from the beginning it was not so." (Matthew 19:8).
This is where accurate knowledge comes in.... Jesus is the only solid and perfect foundation; the author and perfecter of all things (Hebrews 12:2 NIV, 1 Corinthians 3:11, Matthew 7:24)
Choose to build your life on Jesus, the solid foundation.
Get ready for the next update: Episode 2! You can’t miss it.
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I thank God for such an insightful experience and knowledge alot acquire here.God bless Pastor Manuel, for his good works of love!